Brigitte Balbinot


About Brigitte Balbinot:

I am drawn to weathered surfaces and the history they hold. Nothing is meant to last, but there is true beauty in the imperfect and the universal laws that govern all things. In my most recent body of work EIN SOF, I reveal a more linear approach to composition as it relates to the natural world, (vertical orientation being metaphor to the tree of life, horizontal orientation referring to the landscape) and also to the spiritual realm. I have become particularly intrigued by the Japanese philosophy and esthetic of the Wabi-Sabi, leading the way to a deeper reflection on life’s impermanence. With these new works, my process has evolved to a more “holistic” approach and encompasses the use of Solfeggio frequencies to achieve a deep meditative state while painting, allowing for new creative pathways. Overall, my process is extremely labor intensive, and each piece goes through many transformative stages over the course of multiple months before it finally unfolds. Each painting carries its own history, the symbioses of the old and the new and the for ever, allusive notion of time.”


Instagram: @BrigitteBalbinot


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